


Congratulations on becoming a TRIbella owner. We know you are going to love this ingenious product which will give beauty, elegance and aeration to each and every glass of red wine you pour


Simply remove from the handy carrying case and gently secure into the bottle with light pressure


Keep the vent “up”, or opposite the glass for the perfect pour. Please view our videos for other great tips on how to pour


After use, simply run under tap water. We DO NOT recommend dishwasher use


Over time, if the perfect pour becomes less than perfect, please ensure that the black rubber gasket is not covering the vent hole in the polycarbonate head. Keeping the air vent fully visible is the key in creating the perfect flow


TRIbella works wonderfully on over 95% of all wine bottles, however, some southern European bottles have irregular neck dimensions which can cause a poor seal… and some screwtop wine openings are just too big, causing the TRIbella’s vent to be covered. Avoid these two and you will be golden